The story of Prophet Isaiah (Jesus)

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The story of Prophet Isaiah (Jesus)

Prophet Isaiah (Jesus)(peace be upon him) is also called Masih or Christ and it means a frequent traveler of the earth. He is also known as Masih because when he passed his hand over to any sick person, he gets cured. His birth is a great miracle of Allah.

When Sayyidna Maryam (peace be upon him) left her people in the eastern part of her house, then Allah sent His angel in the form of a handsome man. The angel said, "I have come from Allah to give you a pure son."Maryam (peace be upon him) said, "How can I have a son unless a man touches me as a husband?"

The angel Gabriel (peace be upon him) said that it will happen by the command of Allah. The angel blew on Sayyidna Maryam (peace be upon him) and she became pregnant.

Sayyidna Maryam (peace be upon him) was very pious, during her pregnancy she used to eat in the veil. When she became pregnant, by Allah's command she went to another place, then labor pain brought her to the palm tree. When Prophet Isaiah (Jesus) (peace be upon him) was born, she received a voice from the earth telling her not to talk to any human being today and saying that I have fasted today in the name of Allah and that she will not talk to anyone today.

When Sayyidna Maryam (peace be upon him) came home with Prophet Isaiah (Jesus)(Jesus) (peace be upon him), everyone cursed her. Hearing the people's words, she remained silent and pointed to the child to talk to him, people started saying, how this newborn child will talk? At that time, by the command of Allah, the newborn child spoke and said I am the servant of Allah and Allah has given me the book and He has sent me as a prophet. Wherever I am and in whatever situation I am, Allah has blessed me. As long as I am alive, I have been told to pray and give Zakat, Allah has made me kind to my mother and did not make me rebellious and wretched. Peace be upon me on the day I was born and the day I will die and the day I will be raised again. So this child who spoke to present his mother's testimony, And when Allah wills something to happen, He just says, Be, and it happens. All of them are mentioned in Surah Maryam.

Christians associate Prophet Isaiah (Jesus) (peace be upon them) and Sayyidna Maryam (peace be upon them) with Allah, and Allah rejected their belief by revealing the verses in Surah Maida, Surat al-Nisa , Surah Inam, Surah Zakharf, Surah Al-Mu'minun and Surah Al-Imran.

Prophet Isaiah (Jesus) (peace be upon him) was brought up in Baitullah. As Prophet Isaiah (Jesus) (peace be upon him) was growing up, there were signs of knowledge, wisdom evident in them. But he did not receive prophethood until he was thirty years old, then Allah grant him with book called Injeel(Gospel). After that he started calling to religion as a Messenger of Allah. Allah gave him the book Injeel(Gospel), in which He gave light and guidance, and also Prophet Isaiah (Jesus) (peace be upon him) used to confirm the book the Torah that was revealed before him.

Prophet Isaiah (Jesus) (peace be upon him) was sent as a prophet to the children of Israel. Allah Ta'ala blessed him with miracles, one of which was that he used to make a bird out of clay and then blow into it by Allah's command, and it would become alive. And the second miracle was that he used to heal the blind and the sick, the could burn the dead and he used to tell everyone what people ate and what people kept in the house. The children of Israel disbelieved even after seeing all the signs and miracles of Prophet Isaiah (Jesus) (peace be upon him).

The Israelites were divided into two groups. The one group believed in Jesus and one group disbelieved. Later, Allah gave complete dominance to the Christian religion. The disciples had certainly believed, but still there was something lacking in their faith. Some of these disciples said that Allah may give us some special food from the sky, so that we can be more sure that what you say is true.

Prophet Isaiah (Jesus) (peace be upon him) prayed to Allah, and Allah accepted his prayer and said, I will give you such food, but after that if your people commit polytheism or disbelief, then I will punish them in a way that they have not heard first and no one will get such a punishment after them. By Allah's command, that food began to descend for them and people ate it, and many people ate it and believed, and among them was a man who opposed it. These miracles of Allah were being discussed in the whole nation and those who were Jewish kings and scholars were afraid that this Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) might not become the king. Because of this fear, the king ordered his soldiers to arrest him. During this time, Prophet Isaiah (Jesus) (peace be upon him) was in Bait-ul-Maqdis to celebrate a religious festival.

Here Prophet Isaiah (Jesus) (peace be upon him) ate food and along with his eleven disciples, he went to a place outside the city where he separated himself and prayed to Allah. O Allah, if it is possible, let this cup, i.e. death, be removed from me. In response, there was a sigh of relief. Scholars agree that when Prophet Isaiah (Jesus) (peace be upon him) was there with his disciples, the Jews besieged him, then Allah accepted his prayer and Allah took him up to heaven alive.

The one who besieged Prophet Isaiah (Jesus) (peace be upon him) was also his own disciple who was destined to be Prophet Isaiah (Jesus) (peace be upon him). By Allah's command, this person resembled Jesus and then he was hanged alive. It is also mentioned in Surah Nisa that Prophet Isaiah (Jesus) (peace be upon him) was neither killed nor crucified. The nation was divided into two groups, some were Christians and some were Jews, both were in doubt. Jews were saying that he was killed and while the Christians were saying that he was raised alive, Allah said that this is a command they do not know because Prophet Isaiah (Jesus) (peace be upon him) was not arrested by them.

However, after the ascension of Jesus to heaven, the Jews prevailed and banned the publication of this religion, although people secretly follow this religion for two hundred and forty years. Even a king accepted Christianity, he was a great king of Rome. At that time, religion spread well, but this king also added some polytheistic things during his era.

At that time three sects of Christians were formed. The names of these sects were Jacob (Yaqobia), Nestorians, and Muwahidah. Jacob said that Allah stayed among us for some time and then went to heaven. Nestorians said that the son of Allah stayed among us for a while and then left. Muwahidah said, By the command of Allah, a servant of Allah stayed among us for a while, and he was the Messenger, and then by the command of Allah, he was taken up to heaven, and this group was Muslim. There is no shirk in their Injeel(Gospel) yet. Their Injeel(Gospel) is called the Injeel(Gospel) of Barnabas. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) says that two parties attacked the third sect and started killing. Then Islam remained alone, poor and weak. Even Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was sent.

Attributes and signs of the return of Prophet Isaiah (Jesus) (peace be upon him) :

Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him) said that when you see Prophet Isaiah (Jesus) (peace be upon him), you will recognize him. He is of medium height and have a white and reddish complexion. Their hair is straight and water drops will be felt falling from their hair. Although his head will be completely dry. He will descend on the white minaret of Damascus Mosque. He will break the cross and kill the pigs. He will destroy all false religions including Christianity. Dajjal will also be killed by Allah by the hands of him. In his time, all religions will disappear, and only Islam will remain.


Today Christian scholars also admit that even one of these Injeel(Gospels) is not according to that of Prophet Isaiah (Jesus) (peace be upon him). Allah Almighty has declared Prophet Isaiah (Jesus) (peace be upon him) as a sign of the Resurrection. There is no other prophet between Prophet Isaiah (Jesus) (peace be upon him) and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). There is a difference of five hundred and sixty years between these two messengers. Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the last messenger of Allah and He is Khatam-ul-Nabieen.

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