The story of Prophet Moses(PBUH)

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The story of Prophet Moses(PBUH)

The story of Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) is the most narrated in the Quran. He has been mentioned in the Holy Quran in 23 different surahs.

These surahs are Surah Al-Qasas, surah Maryam, Surah Zakharf, Surah Al-Shaira, Surah Taha, Surah Al-A'raf and etc.

Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) is a sincere prophet of Allah, he also has the honor of speaking to Allah. His genealogy goes back to Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him). He was from the generation of Prophet Yaqub (peace be upon him).

After the death of Prophet Yusuf (peace be upon him), the government of Egypt went under the control of different rulers, at that time the ruler was called Pharaoh. Pharaoh was his title and his real name was Waleed bin Musab. Pharaoh's wife's name was Asiya, she was a very virtuous woman. Pharaoh was a disbeliever and while Prophet Asiya (peace be upon him) was Muslim, a forced marriage took place. Pharaoh was a cruel and oppressive person and even he did not believe in Allah Almighty and started calling himself Lord.

Pharaoh had a dream, the interpretation of which would tell him that a child would be born to the Israelites who would cause the destruction of the people of Egypt. Hearing this interpretation, Pharaoh was afraid, he ordered that any boy born among the Israelites should be killed.

A holy woman among the Israelites becomes pregnant. A son was born to her, who was Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) and his mother was afraid that Pharaoh would kill him for the same reason. Allah instructed her through revelation to nurse him and when you are in danger that Pharaoh's people will kill your son then hand it over to the waves and put it in a box. And not to grieve, I will return it to your lap and will make him the prophets of prophets.

Mother put her son in the box and handed him over to the waves, he reached Prophet Asiya (peace be upon him) in Pharaoh's palace. At that time, the sister of Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) kept watching him secretly to see where he reached and she went and told her mother that she had reached Pharaoh's palace. When they started killing him, Prophet Asiya (peace be upon him) said to Pharaoh, Don't kill him. Maybe he will become cooling of your and mine eyes. Pharaoh agreed and said that this child should be taken to the royal upbringing. And when his mother found out that her son had reached Pharaoh, her heart became impatient and she was about to tell them this is my son, and thus they would have believed that this is the son of the great Israel, and then they killed him, so Allah strengthened her heart.

Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) was not drinking anyone's milk until finally Allah fulfilled his promise and Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) drank his own mother's milk. Allah says I taught him knowledge and wisdom while he was growing up in Pharaoh's palace. Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) was very powerful and his tongue was stuttering.

Pharaoh was the king of Egypt during the time of Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him). Pharaoh was crueler to the tribe of Bani Israel living in Egypt. So, by Allah's order, Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) took a pledge to help the poor and oppressed. Because of this, all these pharaohs became enemies of the life of Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him), so he left Egypt and went to Madain. There was an incident of watering, for which he met Prophet Shoaib (peace be upon him).

Prophet Shuaib (peace be upon him) married one of his daughters to Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) and made a condition to him that he would feed his sheep for ten years. When this period of ten years was completed, Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) returned to his city of Egypt with his wife and sheeps. One night during the journey, Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) lost his way, he saw a fire burning in the distance, so he went in that direction.

Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) left for that direction alone and when he reached there, so he saw the tree was lit by fire but its not burning at all. This place is called Toor e Sina. At this place, Allah spoke to Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him), that is why he got the title of Kaleem Allah, that is, the one who talks to Allah, and then Allah honored him with honors there. Allah Almighty said to Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) that you go to Egypt and invite the Pharaoh to Islam. Allah said, "Go with your brother Prophet Haroon (peace be upon him) to Pharaoh and tell him Our verses." Yes, know that only you and your followers will be successful.

Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) went to Pharaoh's court with his brother Prophet Haroon (peace be upon him) and conveyed the message of Allah to him and said: I have been sent by Allah and I will speak the truth. So you free the children of Israel from all restrictions and let them go with me. Pharaoh disdainfully asked Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) who is your Lord, he replied that he is the one who created us and tells us the purpose of life.

Then he said, "You have grown up in my house and now you have stood before me." Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) said that the reason for this was also the cruelty you had inflicted on the children of Israel. Pharaoh said to Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) that if he obeys Allah beside him and he does not obey him, then he will imprison him.

At that time Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) showed his two miracles to Pharaoh. He struck his stick on the ground and it became a huge dragon. Then he put his hand in his armpit and when he took it out, his palm was bright.

Seeing the miracles, he would have believed in Allah, but he did not. The pharaoh began to make Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) and Prophet Haroon (peace be upon him) a great magician. Pharaoh had invited the sorcerers and asked them to compete with Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him).

When these magicians performed their magic in front of Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon them) and when they finally saw the miracles of Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon them), they themselves believed in Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon them) and Allah. Despite Pharaoh's opposition, Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) continued to preach and invite all people to Allah. And Pharaoh began to persecute Bani Israel more and more, then Allah Almighty told Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) through revelation that tell Pharaoh that the time of his reckoning is near.

Allah Almighty showed some signs of punishment to this disobedient nation, So that they would return to Him and repent. Then came the first drought and the fruits disappeared. Then the flood came and destruction spread everywhere. Then the crops were ruined and the frogs and others attacked them. The water of the river Nile turned into blood.

However, whenever punishment came upon them, they would all say to Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) to pray to Allah that this punishment ends, and when this punishment ends, they will believe in Allah, and when the punishment ends, he They do not believe in Allah, but remain in disbelief. The signs of Allah's wrath and punishment could not awaken these people from their negligence, so they finally suffered a great punishment.

By Allah's command, Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) took the nation of Bani Israel and left Egypt at night towards Palestine. These people had not gone far when Pharaoh got the news of their departure from the country, so he chased them. The Israelites had reached the shores of the Red Sea at that time.

Seeing Pharaoh's army coming, the children of Israel said to Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him), Where is the punishment of Allah that you promised us? These people have come upon us for our destruction. So Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) told them to be courageous.

So Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) struck his stick on the sea, with which the sea split and the land became visible, and he easily reached the other side of his fellows. When their army reached this sea and saw that the sea was split and the land was visible, then they also crossed over it and started going to the other side.

So at that time, by the command of Allah, those seas joined together and Pharaoh along with his army drowned in the darkness of this sea. After the divine punishment came, Pharaoh believed in Allah, but at that time his time was over. Allah then removed Pharaoh's body from the waves and threw it to the shore so that the children of Israel could see it and learn from it.

Then the children of Israel came with Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) to a city beyond Egypt where people worshiped idols, so they were influenced by them and they started accepting Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon them) as their god and this was a great pity. It is a matter of fact that despite seeing so many signs of Allah closely, they began to believe in the Musa (peace be upon him) instead of Allah. Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) said that you are so ignorant that you have forgotten your Allah.

After getting rid of Pharaoh, Allah revealed five orders to Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him). The first command was to go to the kohetoor. There I will give you the Torah as a law for you and for your people. Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) spent thirty forty in kohetoor and received the Book of Torah. Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) appointed his brother Prophet Haroon (peace be upon him) as the successor of the nation and went to the kohetoor.

Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) spent forty nights in kohetoor and in his absence, a Samaritan magician collected gold from the country and melt the gold in a cow, and said to all the people of Bani Israel this is your Lord and that of Musa, worship him and bow down to him.

Prophet Haroon (peace be upon him) explained a lot to these people but they did not listen and they started prostrating before the golden(calf) cow.

When Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) completed his term and came back to his people, he saw that the people had fallen into shirk, so he became very angry. The polytheists were killed and those who remained were ordered to accept the Torah. So his people refused him to accept the Torah because it contained strict commands. Then Allah ordered Prophet Jibreel (peace be upon him) to break the mountain and place the mountain as a canopy over his head according to the height of a man.

And whoever does not accept the Torah, let the mountains fall on him, then in this way, When the Israelites saw that there was no way to escape, they accepted the Torah and fell down in prostration. Even in prostration, they were looking at the mountain, which was a canopy over their heads, so it became the custom of half forehead prostration among the Jews.

Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) addressed the Samaritan sorcerer and asked, "Why did you make people commit shirk in my absence?" And took the jewels of my own people and made them into a golden(calf) cow. Then Samaritan magician said that when Pharaoh was drowning, at that time I saw there was some clay under the feet of Gabriel, and I collected the clay and put this clay in a golden(calf) cow mouth and so it began to speak.

Allah Almighty gave such a punishment to the sorcerer in this age that he could not meet anyone and no one could meet him and he began to live in the forest like a wild animal. Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) said to everyone, "Repent, Allah forgives those who repent" and gave the good news to everyone that you will all return to Kinan Palestine, the land of your forefathers and mothers. There Allah will grant you power and dignity and the people were very happy after hearing this. He also told them that who has to do Jihad and it is not bad. Allah is with you. Allah writes it for the people of Israel.

Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) sent 12 people to another country to understand everything there and prepare for Jihad. When these people came back, they started threatening the people of the nation that we cannot fight against them. Two of the twelve people are mentioned in the Holy Quran who did not scare the nation.

But the people of Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) did not listen to him and they did not prepare for Jihad, so Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) prayed to Allah that O Allah, I do not feel authority over anyone except myself and my brother, so Only then would you decide between us and this disobedient nation. Allah accepted the dua of Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) in such a way that the children of Israel could not return to Egypt or Syria despite their efforts for forty years. It happened to them that when they traveled, they would travel from morning till evening, and in the evening they would be where they had left from.

Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) and Prophet Harun (peace be upon him) also stayed with their people in the same desert and because of their presence, Allah blessed the Israelites with man o Salwa and a spring of water. After some time Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) and his brother Prophet Haroon (peace be upon him) went to a kohehud by the command of Allah and there Prophet Haroon (peace be upon him) died and when he returned to the people.

When he came back to the people of their nation and told them that Prophet Haroon (peace be upon them) had passed away, their people doubted Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) that he had killed him, then Allah Almighty removed the veil from people eyes and showed them that Prophet Haroon (peace be upon him) was sitting on the throne. Then after some period, Prophet Moses(Moosa) (peace be upon him) also went to the top of kohehud and there his soul was seized and he was buried there.


Commentators say that when a nation is enslaved by someone for a long time, it does not have the ability to struggle to achieve higher goals. They begins to like the peace of slavery. This is what happened to the Israelites.

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