The story of Prophet Salih (PBUH)

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The story of Prophet Salih (PBUH)

Prophet Salih (peace be upon him) belonged to the tribe of Thamud. The people of Thamud were from the tribe of Aad. The nation of Aad is mentioned in the Holy Quran in Surah Hajar, Surah Ahqaf, and Surah Hud. Hajar was the main city of Thamud.

Now that city is known as Madain Saleh. This city is located in the northwest of Medina. Just as Allah blessed the people of Aad with His blessings, Allah blessed the people of Thamud with His blessings Salih (peace be upon him).

All the Prophets encouraged their people to follow the path of Allah and told them that Allah is One and we have no god but Him. He used to say that Allah created you from the earth. Prophet Salih (peace be upon him) also told his people to fear Allah and obey him and ask forgiveness from Allah and do good deeds. He also advised his people like Prophet Hood (peace be upon him). The oppressors disbelieved them just as the people of Aad did. The people of Prophet Salih (peace be upon him) used to call him a liar and a sorcerer and those who believed in him used to say to them, "How did you believe in him?". The people of the nation said, "Show us a miracle." So Prophet Salih (peace be upon him) prayed to Allah and pointed, then a camel came out from the mountain.

This camel was Allah's camel, so Allah said that “When this camel drinks water, then no other animal will drink water and said Leave this camel loose, it will feed from where she wants to, and do not do anything bad with it. If you kill the camel, punishment will come upon you very soon.”

There were some people in this nation who gathered and cut off the legs of this camel and kill it. When they were killed by the mischievous people, Prophet Salih (peace be upon him) left with his companions and said, "You have three days to have as much fun as you can. This is a promise that is not false." But still, the people of this nation did not believe in him. Prophet Salih (peace be upon him) and his companions who believed in him walked away from there and Allah saved them and then an angel gave a loud cry and the hearts of the people of this nation burst. Indeed, your Lord is Mighty and All-Powerful. The oppressors have been caught by one loud voice and all of them were left lying face down in their houses.


There are a few lessons in this whole story, let's mention them. The camel of Allah was a sign of the prophethood of Prophet Salih (peace be upon him), but the Holy Quran explains that it was to test the people of Thamud and that proved to be the sign of their death. All of them are mentioned in Surah Kamar. In addition despite all the pleasures and luxuries the world has given, if cruelty and arrogance become the slogan of a nation, then understand that the time of its destruction is near.

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