The story of Saba with HudHud

Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him) was the third king of Israel and he used to talk to animals. Allah made the jinn subservient to Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him).
Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him) sent a letter through a bird called Hud hud to the Queen of Sheba (saba), in which it was written that “This is from Sulaiman, in the name of Allah, the Most kind and the Most Merciful. Do not be disobedient and come as good servants of Allah. Rather, the Queen of Sheba (saba) did not decide by herself but called the people of her nation and consulted them. The people of his nation said that we are not weak people and that they should tell us to come as servants and we will leave but whatever decision is yours we are with you.
Queen Saba was a very wise woman, that's why she was ruling an entire state. Before making a decision, we will check Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him) that he is not a greedy person because he is calling us to the religion of Islam, so first we will test him. Rather, she wanted to investigate whether Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him) is among the Ahl al-Haqq or the Ahlal-Vail. She said that if he was a prophet of Allah, he would not accept the precious gifts we sent. When the messenger came to Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him) with these gifts, Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him) said to him: Do you want to help me with money? Go away from here and tell your queen that Allah has blessed me with wealth beyond her dreams and tell her that this was our first and last letter. Go and tell your Queen I am bringing an army that you people will not be able to stand and we will drive everyone out of their country by humiliating them.
Now Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him) was told by hud hud that Queen Saba is coming to our country to investigate with her army. Hearing this, Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him) said, "There is someone who will lift the throne of the Queen of Sheba and bring it to my court, to my house, or my country before her arrival." Hearing this, Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him) said, "Is there someone who will lift the throne of the Queen of Sheba and bring it to the country before her arrival." So a big jinn said that I would do this work. An old man sitting in the court who was a scholar of Psalms said I will present the throne before you blink an eye and so it happened.
When Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him) saw this miracle, he said that Allah wants to test whether I am thankful for Him or not. Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him) thanked Allah that the one who thanked has his benefit.
Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him) asked his courtiers to make a small change in this throne to see if Queen Saba could recognize it or not. When Saba came there, Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him) asked her, Do you have a similar throne like this, then Saba replied yes my throne is exactly like that. She was confused in actuality But she said I knew already that you have enough resources to build such a throne,” added the queen. In the Qur'an, Allah praises the Queen of Sheba, saying that she was a very good and intelligent woman, but there was disbelief in her people, because of which she was also in disbelief. Another miracle happened when everyone saw that there is a stream of water but Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him) told that it is not water but this is a glass that looks like water. Queen Saba was very impressed after seeing this miracle and immediately started saying that till today I have wronged my life a lot, I have been suffering from polytheism, and today I enter the religion of Islam with Sulaiman. And I submit myself to Allah, the Sustainer of all the world. Queen Saba left her government and entered the religion of Islam. Queen Saba completed her investigation after seeing very few miracles and she decided to convert to Islam. Pharaoh had seen many miracles, but he did not leave his kingdom and did not accept Islam, so Allah drowned him and his people. Sahih al-Bukhari mentions a hundred wives of Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him), but it is not mentioned whether Queen Saba was his wife or not, it is only stated that Queen of Sheba (saba) had entered the religion of Islam.
From this Story of Saba we learn the lesson that it is mentioned in the hadith that in general, Allah has given men more intelligence than women, but some women have been given more intelligence than men including Prophet Asiya (peace be upon him), Prophet Maryam(Jesus) (peace be upon him), Prophet Ayesha (may God be pleased with him) and Queen saba, etc. The second lesson we get from the story of Saba is that whoever wants to reach the truth himself, he reaches it through research and Allah helps him. If you ask me what is Islam, I will tell you in two words that Islam is the name of truth and honesty. And if you ask what is disbelief, then disbelief is lies and deception.