The story of Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH)

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The Story of Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH)

After Prophet Salih (peace be upon him), Allah sent Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him). Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) is a great prophet. His father's name was Tarikh while his title was Azar. Azar meant helper, this person used to help his tribe, so people called him Azar. He is mentioned in 73 places and 25 Surahs in the Holy Quran.

Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was born in the famous city of Babylon in Iraq. This city was located in the north of Iraq and is still a very large city. Idolatry was common here. Those people used to worship Allah by associating idols with Allah. Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) forbade his people from worshiping idols and he started this work with his father Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) said to his father, Why do you worship idols that cannot see, hear, or benefit you and he said: “O my father, knowledge has come to me from Allah. You don't have this knowledge, you are following up culture, but don't follow up culture, follow me. I will show you the straight path. O my father, do not follow Satan. Satan is disobedient to Rahman. And he said I am afraid that you will not get any punishment from the Most Merciful. So you will become friends with Satan.”

The father of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) replied, "O Ibrahim, are you taking me away from my gods? If you don't stop, I will stone you to death, and leave me alone. When Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) saw that there was no flexibility in his father, he said: Peace be upon you. I will ask Allah for your forgiveness. Allah is kind to me. It's no use for me to stay here, I'm leaving you all. And I am leaving the gods you believe in besides Allah. I will only call on Allah in my prayers and I hope that I will not refuse the call of Allah.

When Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) invited the people of his nation to monotheism, he was 16 years old. He used to threaten the people of his nation to break the idols, which is mentioned in Surah Anbiya. It was the day of Eid and those people used to cook food from their house and put it in front of the idols and then they all gathered in a field outside the city to play and make merry, eat, and drink. Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) did not go to the festival with the people and when the polytheists returned from the festival, they saw that all their gods were lying down and broken and a big idol had an axe on the shoulder. Some people of the nation remembered the words of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and said, Call him and punish him.

When Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was called and asked, he replied, Why don't you ask your idols and ask the big idol who has an ax on his shoulder? Hearing the answer, the people of the nation fell into thinking. Then those people said among themselves that we made a mistake, we should have left someone behind to watch over them. Even after seeing all this, they did not believe in Allah, but kept thinking of their idols and Satan kept putting all these whispers in their hearts.

The people of the nation said to Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) after thinking about it, don't you know that they are speechless, they cannot speak, then Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) said to them. “Then you worship besides Allah that which can neither benefit you nor harm you It is surprising to them and to you whom you invoke besides Allah, do you not have any sense at all?” This is how Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) explained them clearly. In spite of this clear sign, those people persisted in their disbelief and all of them together thought that Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) would be punished. As a punishment, the people of the nation chose a field that had nothing called soil, and then the people were asked to collect wood and throw it. Then they set fire to the collected wood. When the flames of this fire started touching the sky, they prepared a cradle and put Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) in that cradle and when they started to pour it into the fire, Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) recited this prayer, “حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل” which means Allah is sufficient for us and He is the best creator.

This ayat should be read by every needy person. It is in Bukhari Sharif that Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him) said that “حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل” Prophet Ibrahim(peace be upon him) said when he was being thrown into the fire. Allah Almighty says in Surah Anbiya: We said, "Let the fire cool down on Abraham and let it be peaceful." Hazrat Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, says that if Allah had not told the fire to cool down with the peace, it would have cooled down to such an extent that even its cooling would have harmed Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him). By Allah's command, the fire only burned the ropes with which Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was bound.

The people of the nation were waiting for the burning of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and meanwhile, Allah cooled the fire and Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) came out of the fire safely. After seeing such a great miracle, no one from the whole of Babylon believed in him except Prophet Lut (peace be upon him).

There is a tradition that four kings have ruled most of the earth, one of whom is Nimrod. He was the ruler and king of that time when Nimrod spoke to Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him). Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) said to Nimrod, "My Lord is the One who gives life and death." In response, Nimrod said, "I also give life and death." So Nimrod ordered to bring two men from the prison, the two men who had been sentenced to death. And he ordered that one of them should be left alive and the other should be killed, he wanted to prove that he could also give life and death. Then Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) replied, My Lord, brings the sun from the east, so you show it from the west, so Nimrod's head bowed. He told Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) that if he left this country, Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and Prophet Nuh (peace be upon him) would leave Iraq and migrate to Syria. In Syria, Prophet Ibrahim settled in a town called Hiran, where he married his uncle's daughter Sayyidna Sarah (A.S). The people of the city of Haran did not worship idols but worshiped the stars. These people used to worship at night. One day Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) also went with them and Allah removed the veil from the eyes of Ibrahim (peace be upon him), he saw the kingdom of the moon, stars, and planets. Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) said to the people of this nation, "What kind of god is this who keeps changing, who is in the night and not in the morning, or in the day and not in the night? This is a creature whose creator is its creator." There is someone else. These people still disbelieved and did not believe in Allah, so Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) migrated from there and reached Egypt.

When the king of Egypt got the news that a person had come to our nation with a beautiful wife, he told his servants to bring this woman to me. He said to ask this woman who is this man with you, if she says that this is her husband, then kill this man. It was revealed by Allah to Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) that he asked Sarah, and she should answer that I am his sister.

Profit Help Ibrahim (peace be upon him) had to tell a lie three times in his life, which was expedient. The first time was when he refused to go to the festival and pretended to be ill, the second time he lied when he said, Ask the big idol who has an ax on his shoulder, and the third time was when he asked Sayyidna Sarah (A.S) (A.S) to be his religious sister. This king took Sayyidna Sarah (A.S) under his custody and when she realized that he was a wicked person, she prayed to Allah. O Allah, You know that I believe in You and Your Prophet and I have saved my body for my husband. Therefore, O Allah, You will not impose this disbeliever on me.

When this unbeliever Nimrod raised his hand towards Sayyidna Sarah (A.S), his hand became paralyzed by the command of Allah and he screamed so much that Sayyidna Sarah (A.S) made a dua to Allah. So he got well but he did not stop and he did the same thing two or three times every time Sayyidna Sarah (A.S) prayed to Allah and he got better but once Sarah did not pray for him. He promised Sayyidna Sarah (A.S) that he will not touch her, pray for me this time, so she prayed again, and then this Nimrod said to his own people to send her back with honor and respect. He sent him back home along with his daughter Hajra. When Sayyidna Sarah (A.S) reached home, she saw that Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was praying. When he finished praying, he asked what happened to her, so Sarah (A.S) told him everything, and she said, "Alhamdulillah." We will not stay here, we will go back.

Prophet Lut (peace be upon him) was the nephew of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and he also lived permanently with him in Palestine. Prophet Lut (peace be upon him) was sent by Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) to Sodom where the people suffered from polytheism and to invite them to monotheism. So Prophet Lut (peace be upon him) departed from there and then only three Muslims were left in Palestine, Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him), Sayyidna Sarah (A.S), and Hajra (A.S). Here he was constantly inviting people to Allah. Allah also blessed him with wealth.

When Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) reached the age of 85 or 86 years, Sayyidna Sarah was barren so she married Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) to Bibi Hajra (A.S) and then they had a child, Prophet Ismail (peace be upon him). When they had a child, Sayyidna Sarah (A.S) became sensitive, demanding to keep Bibi Hajra (A.S) away from her. At the same time, Allah also commanded Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) to take Bibi Hajra and Prophet Ismail (peace be upon him) and leave for Makkah. On reaching Makkah, Allah ordered that you leave Hajra and Ismail alone here and go back. Makkah was not inhabited at that time, it was a plain in the middle of the mountains.

Sayyidna Hajra (A.S) asked Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) the reason for leaving her there alone, and he said that it was the command of Allah. Then she was patient. Within a few days, their food and water had run out. One day Prophet Ismail (A.S.) began to feel thirsty, and his mother could not bear it. Sayyidna Hajra (A.S) saw her crying son and ran towards a nearby hill towards Safa and then got down and ran down the slope and ran again towards another hill Marwah. In this way, she made seven rounds. This is the reason why Muslim pilgrims perform Sa'i between Safa and Marwah. So that the memory of this event will be refreshed. When she reached the hill of Marwah for the seventh time, what did she see that a fountain was gushing out from the feet of the Prophet Ismail (peace be upon him). When Sayyidna Hajra (peace be upon him) saw the spring of water gushing from there, she immediately dug the ground and placed stones there so that the water would not be wasted from there and then she said at the same time, "Zamzam" means stop the water.

Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him) said: May Allah have mercy on Ismail's mother, If she had not acted hastily, Zamzam would have been a worn spectacle. Both of them drank that water after being well satisfied and they had only Zamzam as food and water there. Birds also used to drink water from this fountain. A tribe of Banu Jarham passed through Makkah and they saw some birds flying in one direction. They thought that there was a secret hidden in it, so they reached there because of the birds, and Prophet Ismail (peace be upon him) was brought up by Banu Jarham. Banu Jarham was an Arab tribe, and Prophet Ismail (peace be upon him) was married in the same tribe. The Arab nation began with the descendants of Prophet Ismail (peace be upon him). Among them, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was blessed. The blessing of Banu Jarham and their prosperity was the prayer of Ibrahim (peace be upon him).

Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) prayed that, O my Lord, I have settled some of my children near your holy house and it is for the purpose of establishing this prayer. So turn the hearts of some people towards them. And grant them sustenance of fruits that they may be thankful for.

It is said in the traditions that before Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him). Baitullah was built by Prophet Shes (peace be upon him). Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) visited his family once or twice every year. When Ishmael (peace be upon him) regained consciousness, it was once again time for a great trial.

Once Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) came to Makkah and sat down in a place for rest. He slept and had a dream. In his sleep, he dreamed that he was slaughtering his son with his own hands. Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) did not suffer from any kind of problem, he knew that revelation is given to prophets through dreams and their dreams come true. Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) narrated his dream to his son Prophet Ismail (peace be upon him) and asked him for his opinion. So the son replied, O father, do what you have been ordered to do.

However, both the father and the son came forward to fulfill the command of Allah, so the son told the father that while slaughtering me, keep my forehead on the ground so that you cannot see my face. Then, when Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) used a knife on his neck by the command of Allah, that knife did not go, so the knife did not cut the neck of Prophet Ismail (peace be upon him). From this incident, it was proved that both father and son are present with heart and soul to fulfill the order of Allah. So Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) called, We called out to him, O Ibrahim, surely you made the dream come true, and indeed, thus do We reward the righteous. Of course, it was an open test. When Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was running a knife on his son's neck, he heard a voice from Allah's command. When he looked back, Gabriel (peace be upon him) had brought a goat/sheep from heaven. This goat/sheep was the reward for the sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) which was given as a ransom for Prophet Ismail (peace be upon him). This Sunnah is performed every year in the Holy Shrine near the Kaaba and all Muslims in the world perform this Sunnah every year.

After this incident of sacrifice, Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) received the good news of the birth of Prophet Ishaq (peace be upon him). He received this good news in Palestine at the age of 120 years and at that time Sayyidna Sara (peace be upon him) was 90 years old. Three Angels who were sent to the people of Prophet Lot (peace be upon him) in human form came before Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and to give them the good news. Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) took them home for the hospitality, took them as strangers, and offered them a roasted calf. It was very fat, but the angels refused to eat it, so Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was afraid perhaps they were among the enemies, but Sayyidna Sarah (A.S) smiled. These three angels gave the good news of Prophet Ishaq (peace be upon him) and his grandson Prophet Yaqub (peace be upon him). That is, at that time, they received three good news, one of having a son, the second of a grandson, and the third of a long life. Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him) was asked by someone who is the most generous, and he replied: Karim bin Karim bin Karim bin Karim, meaning Yusuf bin Yaqub bin Ishaq bin Ibrahim.

Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) used to visit his daughter Prophet Ismail (peace be upon him) in Makkah. One day when he went there, he said to her that Allah had ordered me to build a house of Allah here. So this Prophet Ismail (peace be upon him) immediately said, Father, I am here. Then they started the construction of Baitullah Sharif there, and while they saw the traces of the construction of Prophet Shees (peace be upon him), they started construction from there. It is also known that they also saw traces of foundations with angels. In the youth days of the Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him), when the Quraysh of Makkah rebuilt the Kaaba, they wanted to deepen its foundations. While digging, they reached the green stones that looked like the tops of the mountains. They wanted to take out these stones. A man took out a stone with a hoe, and so much light started coming out from under it that the person was near to get blind. Then the stone automatically fell down and froze into the place. After that people did not touch these stones and started building.

During the construction of Baitullah, Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) reached the part where the black stone (Hajr-e-Aswad) was placed, So Allah Ta'ala sent a white stone from Paradise at that time. This stone of Hajar Aswad was white at that time, but now due to the mistakes of our humans, its color has turned black. When the walls of Baitullah became equal to human height, Prophet Ismail (peace be upon him) brought a stone on which Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) stood. He was barefoot and at that moment the stone melted and his feet sank into the stone. Footprints of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) appeared on the stone and this stone is called Maqaam-e- -Ibrahim. Earlier this stone was next to the wall of Baitullah, but later Hazrat Umar Farooq placed this stone at a little distance from Baitullah to facilitate Tawaf. After completing Tawaf, it is ordered to pray two rakats of Nafl behind Maqam Ibrahim, and if there is no space, then that Nafl can be offered anywhere in Baitullah Sharif. In this way, the House of Allah was built and then a new command of Allah came that Hajj is obligatory for those who can afford it, and whoever deliberately disobeys Him, Allah does not care about him.

Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was commanded by Allah in a dream to tell the people to perform Hajj. He said, "Who will listen to my voice?" Then Allah said, "Your purpose is to give voice, it is my job to convey it." He climbs a mountain in Arafat and makes sounds. People perform the Hajj of the Haram. Allah, the Exalted, miraculously conveyed this sound to all human beings, whether they were born or not. The other miracle happened that Allah has put the love of Bait Allah and its Hajj in the hearts of people, Allah said “You announce Hajj among the people, they will come to you on foot and on thin camels from far away.” In this way, many people started going there on foot and on rides with the intention of Hajj, and this deserted area became populated. Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) died at the age of 175. Events and circumstances of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) are mentioned in the Holy Quran in Surah Ankabut, Surah Maryam, Surah Towbah, Surah Anbiya, Surah Baqrah, Surah Inam.


From the incident of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him), we get a lesson that whatever kind of sacrifice we give, Allah will reward us with the same type and more than that.

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