The story of Prophet Shuaib (peace be upon him) / qasas ul anbiya

Prophet Shuaib (peace be upon him) is a great prophet. He came before Prophet Yunus (peace be upon him) or after. Commentators and historians have different opinions about this. Prophet Shuaib (peace be upon him) belongs to the Arab race and is attributed to Madin bin Madyan bin Ibrahim (peace be upon him). The name of the city to which he was sent was Madin. Madin was either the name of the tribe that existed in the city or was the name of the city.
This city of Madin was near the famous city of Ma'an, today it is in Jordan. Ma’an, was near the sea of people of Lut. The reality of the sea is that when Allah ordered Gabriel (peace be upon him) to destroy the people of Lut (peace be upon him). Bring down this town and bring it down. They have turned this town upside down. So this town came to be called Bahera that is, the ruins of Prophet Lut's settlement.
The people of Prophet Shuaib (peace be upon him) were a pagan and merchant nation. The people of his country used to stop every trade caravan on the way and collect 10th from them and these people also used to rob them. This nation was an expert in manipulation and mixing. All prophets (peace be upon them) have the responsibility to call people to Allah. Along with this, they are also responsible for substantial economic and financial affairs. The reason is that all the Prophets (peace be upon them) used to reform the worship and belief and the rest of the faults.
Ahl-Madin were experts in blending and mixing wrong, and they used to scale down. Along with this, there was also a tendency to worship trees in this nation. Prophet Shuaib (peace be upon him) started inviting the people of the nation. All the Prophets came to the world with miracles by the command of Allah, if they did not have these miracles, they could not tell people they were on the right. Prophet Shuaib (peace be upon him) also challenged the people of his nation by showing his miracles. The Prophet Shuaib (peace be upon him) presented such clear and bright matters in front of them that by following them they could be successful in this world and the hereafter. Prophets (peace be upon them) do not force anyone to follow the path of Allah. Their job is only to invite people to believe in Allah. When Prophet Shuaib (peace be upon him) called the people to Allah, they disbelieved. He used to warn the people of his nation of the punishment of Allah and told them the punishment of the people of Lut.
When the people of his people persisted in what they did, Prophet Shuaib (peace be upon him) said, "Just stay, Allah will decide between us. And He is the best of all the judges. But they did not take the influence of anything, instead, they said, “You are one of those who are bewitched, and you are a human being like us, and we consider you as one of the liars if you are truthful then drop a piece of the sky on us.”
Finally, they also started following the footsteps of the people of Aad and the people of Thamud. Similarly, these people also came against Prophet Shuaib (peace be upon him) and started threatening him. The arrogant leaders of his people said, O Shuaib, we will expel you and those who believe with you from our township, or you should return to our religion. Prophet Shuaib(peace be upon him) replied, Shall we return to your religion even though we consider it to be abominable? The leaders of the nation threatened to expel Prophet Shuaib (peace be upon him) from Madin but Shuaib (peace be upon him) always said in response that if you want to avoid the punishment of Allah, then obey my words.
Those leaders not only denied Shuaib (peace be upon him), but they also mocked him and said that if we did not care about his tribe, then we would destroy him. Prophet Shuaib (peace be upon him) said you care about my tribe but you people do not fear from Allah. Prophet Shuaib (peace be upon him) prayed to Allah, O our Lord, to judge between us and the people of the nation in accordance with the truth. And, You are the best judge.
Finally, the hour of judgment has arrived. Allah granted salvation to Prophet Shuaib (peace be upon him) and his followers. Strange kinds of punishments began to descend on his people and the punishments were not only of one kind but of different kinds. As a punishment, Allah stopped the wind and intensified the heat. Then Allah sent a cloud outside the village, children, old people and everyone ran under this cloud to get shadows. But actually, there was punishment in this cloud because these people themselves said that if you are truthful then drop a piece of cloud sky on us. So the earthquake caught them and they were lying in the darkness. Prophet Shuaib (peace be upon him) and those who believed in him stood far away from these people. After this incident, Prophet Shuaib (peace be upon him) returned to Madinah because the city of Madin was left and the people of Madin were destroyed. This city was rebuilt and this is the same city where Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) also came. This whole story is mentioned in the Quran in Surah Hajar, Surah Shaura, Surah Al-A'raf, Surah Yusuf, and Surah Hud.