The Story of Prophet Noah (PBUH)

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The Story of Prophet adam (PBUH)

The genealogy of Prophet Nuh (peace be upon him) goes back to Prophet Idris (peace be upon him), he was his great grandfather. People used to live very long at that time, so we can say that Prophet Idris (peace be upon him) lived for many hundred years and Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) lived more than a thousand years. Due to their advanced age, there is a lot of age difference among them, and during this time their polytheism, idol worship, and disbelief became very strong. Then Allah envoy Prophet Nuh (peace be upon him) as His messenger.

It was narrated from Abbas that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said that between Adam and Noah (peace be upon him) there were ten blessings, and one blessing lasts a hundred years. This means that there was a gap of a thousand years between them. After Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) people continued to adhere to Tawheed for a thousand years, then gradually fell into polytheism and idolatry.

Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) invited people to come to One Allah and he worked so hard. Allah Almighty says in Surah Nuh in the Holy Quran “I begin with the name of the Forgiving and Merciful. Indeed, We sent Noah to their people to stop them and warn them before a painful punishment came to them. Prophet Nuh (peace be upon him) said, O my people, I am going to be clear to you that you should worship only one Allah and fear Him and obey what I say. So He will forgive your sins and leave you for a fixed time. Indeed, when the promise of Allah comes, it does not stop. I wish you could understand.”

During the time of Prophet Noah (peace be upon him), there was a very proud king. He used to say to the people of his nation that they should not listen to the words of Noah but continue to worship idols. Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) preached for 950 years and only about eighty people became Muslims during this long period. After so many years of hardship, Prophet Nuh (peace be upon him) prayed to Allah, "O my Allah, I called the people of my people to You, but they started running away even more because of my call. I still told them to seek forgiveness from Allah, that He is very kind."

Some of the chieftains of that era came together to Prophet Nuh (peace be upon him) and said, "We will believe in you, but if you remove from your group those people with whom we do not like to sit." Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) said: I see that you people are talking about ignorance. I cannot expel honest people from me. I do not ask you for any money for this, Allah will give my rewards, his people became even more arrogant and they said, "Whatever he promised us, he should bring it before us." On this, Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) said that it is the work of Allah to bring punishment, no one can humble him, and when the punishment comes, no one will be able to escape.

Prophet Nuh (peace be upon him) said to these people, "I am not afraid of anything you say. Come with all your passions. Attack me. Come to me suddenly, but I am on the right and you are on the wrong. My trust is only in Allah, I know the greatness of His power." No one had the strength to resist Prophet Nuh (peace be upon him). They all said that he was a fool. So Allah revealed to Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) that it is mentioned in Surah Hud that no one will believe in you except those who have believed in you, so do not be sad. Allah's order is about to be fulfilled now.

After 950 years of hard work, when 80 people believed in Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) and it was told about the rest of the people that they would not believe, then he (peace be upon him) cursed those people. He said O Allah, do not leave any unbelievers to live on the earth. If you leave them like this, they will lead others astray and their descendants will be ungrateful to you. O my Allah, forgive me and my parents and all those who believe in You and do not give the disbelievers anything but death.

Dua of prophet Noah (peace be upon him) in the Quran:

Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) said, “O my Lord, I called out to my people in the day, and in the night, I called them loudly and silently both. I secretly whispered, announced, and explained. I was behind them, they put their fingers in their ears and covered their face with a cloth. They hardened into arrogance but I kept telling them, O Allah's servant, repent. Allah will give rain, Allah will provide sustenance, Allah will give children. Allah laid the earth and raised the sky and decorated it with stars and moon. He gave you light by moving the moon and stars. He made the earth flat. From this earth He created you, and He will raise you again from this earth.

Then he said, O my Lord, I did all this over and over. O my Lord, wipe them out and destroy them because disbelievers are being born to them generation after generation generation after generation. May Allah forgive me and my parents and forgive the believing men and women and increase and increase their (unbeliever's) death. So after this supplication, Allah Almighty accepted this supplication in the same way

Prophet Noah Ark (boat):

After the prayer of Prophet Noah, Allah revealed to him to build an ark(boat). Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) did not know how to build such a big boat. Allah Almighty taught him the method of creation through revelation and sent Prophet Gabriel (peace be upon him) to him for further assistance. Finally, a very big, strong, and gigantic ark(boat) was ready. Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) prepared this ark(boat) in a hundred years according to the instructions of Allah.

It is mentioned in Surah Qamar that: And We took Noah in the ark that was made of planks and nails. Prophet Noah(Nuh) (peace be upon him) left the work of preaching and started making arks(boats), so the people of his people used to make fun of him saying you were a prophet before and now you have become an ark(boat) builder. Allah has mentioned the mockery of these disbelievers in Surah Hud.

Ibn Abbas describes the map of the ark as follows: Prophet Noah(Nuh) (peace be upon him) prepared the ark on the mountain and a Tar was used in its preparation which was first used in his time. The length of the ark(boat) was 300 yards and its height was 30 yards and its breadth was 50 yards. Moreover, this ark(boat) was not open at the top like normal arks(boats), but it was closed from the top. As if it was made like a ball and it had three levels in it and each level had a door. This ark(boat) still exists today. This Ark(boat) was found in the mountains of Turkey and was split into two pieces. Allah Almighty has kept this ship as a sign and example.

After that, the storm came. Allah had told Prophet Noah(Nuh) (peace be upon him) the sign of the coming of the storm. There was a water fountain in the house of Prophet Noah (Nuh) (peace be upon him). Allah said that when the water in this fountain starts to boil, understand that Allah's promise has come. Therefore, at that time, take your families and believing men and women and pairs of animals living on earth with you in this Ark(boat). Amongst the animals, the first pair was the ants and the last pair was the donkey. The number of believing men and women who boarded the Ark(boat) was said to be 80. It is mentioned in Surah Qamar that when the time of punishment came upon this nation, first of all, rain began to fall from the sky and springs began to boil from the ground. However, this flood drowned everything.

The water of the flood was so high that it even engulfed the mountains, but this boat was under the protection of Allah and it was moving on its journey. Prophet Noah(Nuh) (peace be upon him) boarded the ark(boat) and asked everyone to recite this dua that In the name of Allah, this ship has to move and stay. Indeed, my Lord is Oft-Forgiving and Most Merciful.

One of Prophet Noah's sons, Canaan, who was a disbeliever, did not ride, nor did he believe. Father and son, namely Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) and Canaan, were having this conversation, a wave come and drowned his son. It showed that disbelief destroys genealogy. It is narrated from Ibn Abbas that Noah and his followers stayed in this boat for six months. Finally, by order of Allah, the storm of flood stopped. Allah ordered the earth to swallow all the water and the world became dry and the boat stopped at a mountain called Jodi. Prophet Noah(Nuh) (peace be upon him) lived for three and a half hundred years after the end of this storm. The tomb of Prophet Noah (Nuh) is in the city of Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan.


Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) cried for nine and a half hundred years and after such a long time, when he raised his hands to pray, Allah liked his prayer so much. Allah made his supplication a part of the Holy Qur'an until the Day of Judgement. We have learned from the story of Prophet Noah(Nuh) (peace be upon him) the etiquette of how to pray because he taught us the right way.

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