The Story of Prophet adam (PBUH)

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The Story of Prophet adam (PBUH)

The first and last relationship in the world is that of husband and wife, children come after that.

Allah made Adam (peace be upon him) the husband and Hawwa (Eve) the wife. They were the first and tallest people in the world. Allah first made a mold of clay for Adam (peace be upon him) and after forty years put the soul in it and sent him to heaven. When Allah created Adam (peace be upon him) from clay, all creation prostrated to him, but only Satan did not prostrate. Satan said, "I am better than him because you made me from fire and you made him from clay, and fire is better than clay."Allah expelled Shaitan from Paradise and all this was the result of his arrogance. Allah sent Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) and Prophet Hawa (peace be upon him) to paradise and said go live in this paradise, eat and drink as you wish, only do not go near only one tree and nor eat its fruit. Allah also told Adam (peace be upon him) and Hawwa (peace be upon them) that Satan is your enemy, stay away from him.

Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) woke up from his sleep and saw a woman on his left who was dressed from head to toe. Both of them were married there and Allah told Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) that this is his wife. Allah said to Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) that he should pay a dowry to his wife and that is to send durood on the final prophet who will come in your generation, Muhammad (peace be upon him). We all know that the most beautiful of men is Prophet Yusuf (peace be upon him) and the most beautiful of women is Prophet Hawa (peace be upon him)

One day Adam (peace be upon him) and Hawa (peace be upon them) were seduced by Satan and tasted the fruit of that tree. As soon as they taste the fruit of this tree, Allah took off their clothes and they covered themselves with the leaves and said, Get out of Paradise. Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) and Hawwa (Eve) (peace be upon him) immediately asked Allah for repentance for what they had done. Allah sent them into the world and separated them from each other. After a lot of searching, both of them will finally meet in Maidan Arafat.

They gave birth to forty children. Each time twins (one girl and one boy) were born to them. In the hadiths, the story of the two sons of Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) is known, which is about Habil and Qabil. Qabil killed his brother Habil and Allah punished him. It was decided that the girl who was born with Habil will be married to Qabil, and the girl who was born with Qabil will be married to Habil. But Qabil was not happy with this decision. Eventually, Qabil killed his brother Habil and became one of the losers. Allah told Qabil how to bury Habil through the crow.

Scholars say that on the day of Resurrection, Qabil will be the most punishable among the murderers, but he will finish his punishment and go to heaven because of his faith. Allah gave Adam (peace be upon him) the substitute of Habil whose name was Sheesh. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said that Allah revealed 104 scriptures of which 50 were revealed on sheesh. Prophet Sheesh (peace be upon him) acquired knowledge from Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) and all knowledge was taught to Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) by Allah, that is why Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) is the greatest scholar among scholars.

Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) asked to eat the fruits of Paradise in the last days of his life, so his sons went out in search of the fruits of Paradise, and on the way, they met angels in human form, who had shrouds and perfumes in their hands. He said to the sons of Prophet Adam (peace be upon him), peace be upon him: Go back, your father's time has come. The angels captured the soul of Prophet Adam (peace be upon him), bathed him, perfumed him, performed his funeral, and then buried him in the soil themselves. Thus Allah taught the method of burying a man. Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) did not make any mistake except tasting the fruit of this tree at the age of nine hundred and sixty years. This was the story of our father Prophet Adam (peace be upon him)


There are many messages from Allah for us in the story of Prophet Adam (peace be upon him). One of them is to taste the joy of waiting which means Adam (peace be upon him) was sent to Paradise first and the Hawwa after him so that they could taste the waiting and a man should respect and value a woman. Another hidden message is, the woman, was created from the left side of man i.e. from under the heart, it means that it has the message that a woman in any form, whether she is a mother, a daughter, a wife, a man should keep her close to his heart.

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