The Story of Prophet Lut (PBUH)

Prophet Lut (Lot) (peace be upon him) was the nephew of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him). His father's name was Haran, he was the son of the Azzar. Allah Almighty has mentioned Prophet Lut (peace be upon him) 27 times in the Holy Quran. Prophet Lut's father died when he was a child, he was brought up by his uncle Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and when Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was being thrown into the fire, prophet Lut (peace be upon him) was the first who believed in him.
Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) sent his nephew Prophet Lut(Lot) (peace be upon him) to the town of Sodom. The settlement was a trading center and a resting place for travelers. All unbelievers lived in this town and these people were involved in a sin that no one had heard of before. These people used to satisfy their sexual desire with men instead of women. Allah Almighty has mentioned no other nation as much as these in the Holy Qur'an. This nation is described in the Qur'an as transgressors, criminals, ignorant and wasteful spenders. This nation was so bad that it used to sit in groups of people and do bad things.
These people would exhale loudly in a crowded gathering and then everyone would laugh at it. The people of Lut denied Prophet Lut (peace be upon him), but they kept saying that I am the Messenger of Allah and all of you should obey me and I do not ask you for any reward for this work. My rewarder is the Sustainer of this world.
The mission of the prophets is that they have been preaching, so Prophet Lut (peace be upon him) kept inviting his people again and again. In response to the invitation, that nation would also say the same thing, take the punishment of Allah if it is true. Prophet Lut (peace be upon him) used to warn his people from the punishment of Allah that the rod of Allah is silent, fear it. That nation was afflicted with transgressors and adulterers, and in this nation, no one was pure except Prophet Lut (peace be upon him) and his daughters. His people continued to make plans to expel them from the settlement and Prophet Lut (peace be upon him) kept asking Allah for help.
Allah Almighty accept his prayers and sent His four great angels, Prophet Mikael (peace be upon him), Prophet Gabriel (peace be upon him), Prophet Israfel (peace be upon him), and Malik Al-Malut (peace be upon him), in the form of four handsome young men in the town of sodom. A daughter of Prophet Lut (peace be upon him) lived on a bank outside the village.
When she saw these four young men, she was afraid that the people of this nation would not do any harm to them, so she immediately went to her father Prophet Lut (peace be upon him). Prophet Lut (peace be upon him) asked these young men who he was, so they replied that we are guests.
Prophet Lut (peace be upon him) told these young people three to four times that the nation of the Prophet is not a good nation, to leave here, but when they did not obey, he took them to his house and the wife of Prophet Lut (peace be upon him) was a disbeliever. She went and told everyone in the town that four young men had come to our house and we have not seen such young people before. Hearing this, everyone rushed to his house and Prophet Lut (peace be upon him) came out and said to everyone my daughters will be the cause of your purity, so fear from Allah and do not disgrace me about my guests.
So the people of the village said that we have nothing to do with women, you know what we want. Then Prophet Lut (peace be upon him) said, I wish I had some strength or I would have been in some strong shelter. Prophet Lut (peace be upon him) had nothing until only his daughters believed in him and his wife was also a disbeliever. The villagers started entering the house of Prophet Lut(Lot) (peace be upon him) and Prophet Lut(Lot) (peace be upon him) was worried and looked at his guests who were sitting very contentedly and peacefully.
The guests said to Prophet Lut (peace be upon him) we have come to you with the decision which the people doubted and we have come with the truth and we are right. It is mentioned in Surah Al-Ankabut. As soon as a person from the village ran towards them, Prophet Jibreel (peace be upon him) struck a blow and they all fell face down, then everyone said to Prophet Jibreel (peace be upon him) that we will come in the morning and will punish you all for this. On this, the angels said that surely the time of their end is in the morning and the time of morning is not far away. The angels said, O Lut, take your family and leave the house and do not look back and go where you are commanded. All this is mentioned in Surah Qamar. It is mentioned in Surah Al-Shaira that the wife of Prophet Lut(Lot) (peace be upon him) was among the people who stayed behind.
Prophet Lut (peace be upon him) took his two daughters and departed from there at the time of dawn. The time of punishment was in the morning. The punishment was such that Prophet Jibreel (peace be upon him) came, inserted his wing into the earth and played with this complete settlement, and threw it toward the sky. It is said that at that time the angels heard the sound of the chickens and dogs of this town and the people heard the glorification of the angels. Jibreel (peace be upon him) shouted, then everyone became like a fire and then the whole village turned upside down.
A stone was prepared in the sky for everyone, but everyone was thrown from the sky to the earth. It is mentioned in Surah Hud and Surah Hajar. It is mentioned in Surah Al-Najm that stones rained on him. In this way, the town of Sodom was destroyed and its traces were left until the Day of Resurrection. These marks have been left for instruction.
The story of Prophet Lut (peace be upon him) is proved in the hadiths and the Holy Qur'an that the nation to which Prophet Lut (peace be upon him) was sent was destroyed by morals. Now the reformation of this nation had become impossible, this nation did not consider its crime as a crime. It was their hobby to commit profanity in public places. This was an unprecedented act. Three major crimes of this nation have been mentioned in the Holy Quran.